Project “Energy + Technology = School + Occupation – Renewable Energy Technologies in Schools – For Qualified Employees of the Future”.

Energy + Technology = School + Occupation Renewable energy technologies in schools

We are pleased to announce that the Kreator Wiedzy Foundation together with the University of Stralsund and the West Pomeranian University
Technological in Szczecin, as a partner, implements a project under the Interreg program: Project INT 205 “Energy + Technology = School +
Profession – Renewable energy technologies in schools – for skilled workers of the future ”.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund, Interreg V A Cooperation Program Mecklenburg Vorpommern / Brandenburg / Poland 2014-2020, Priority Axis III Education.
The project aims to create an educational network between educational institutions at different levels in Poland and Germany to meet today’s educational challenges. The aim is to develop a common strategy for integrating technical issues related to renewable energy systems into school subjects and secondary school curricula in order to apply new practical methods and generate interest in technical issues.

Our goals:

• To create a more creative and intuitive learning environment that motivates teachers and students to voluntarily explore technology.
• Creation of common educational tools, including experiments related to renewable energy systems
• Building lasting relationships between regional companies, schools and universities in the field of renewable energy
• Promoting the interest of pupils and students in technical professions offered in the Pomeranian region and retaining future specialists in the region.
• Inspiring subject teachers to update their knowledge of science subjects

Our plans:

• Creating a excursion guide for teachers that informs about the excursions and cooperation between companies from the energy sector.
• Organization of school projects, experiments illustrating various renewable energy systems, educational tasks
• Organization of a cross-border competition of ideas on renewable energy technologies
• Creation of an internet platform informing about renewable energy sources, their use in the region and containing the necessary didactic materials
• Conducting training courses for teachers on the development of renewable energy technologies